Refusal of Entry in/Exit from Romania
Foreign citizens are refused entry on Romanian territory if :
- they do not meet the conditions mentioned in GEO 194/2002, with subsequent modifications and amendments;
- they are reported by international organizations to which Romania is a party, as well as by specialized institutions in the fight against terrorism to finance, prepare, support in any way or commit acts of terrorism;
- there are indications that they are part of organized crime groups with a transnational character or that they support in any way the activity of these groups;
- there are serious reasons to believe that they have committed or participated in committing crimes against peace and humanity or war crimes or crimes against humanity, provided for in the international conventions to which Romania is a party.
The Border Police may refuse the entry of foreigners into the territory of the Romanian State in the following situations as well:
- have committed offenses during other periods of residence in Romania or abroad against the state or a Romanian citizen;
- has introduced or attempted to illegally introduce other foreigners in Romania;
- suffers from diseases that can seriously endanger public health, established by order of the Minister of Health.
A foreign citizen is denied exit from the territory of the Romanian State if:
- is blamed or indicted in a criminal case and the magistrate orders the establishment of the ban on leaving the city or the country;
- has been convicted by final judgment and has a custodial sentence.
If the foreigner is no longer in possession of the state border crossing document on the basis of which he has entered the country, he must present at the exit of Romania a new valid document for crossing the state border.
The exit from the country of foreigners who have the citizenship of several states is made on the basis of the state border crossing document with which they entered.