Medical Insurance
Foreign citizens are exempted from the obligation to present medical insurance and benefit from medical assistance on the basis of reciprocity, within the limits of agreements, accords, conventions or protocols for the provision of medical assistance based on reciprocity in the health field concluded between Romania and the states of the respective citizens.
The list of countries with which Romania has concluded agreements, understandings, conventions or protocols for the granting of health care on a reciprocal basis in the field of health and the conditions under which it may benefit, in accordance with the provisions of the Joint Order M.A.I. / M.S.F. no. 311/248/2002:
- Republic of Albania, under the terms of the Convention on Cooperation in the Field of Social Issues between the Government of Romania and the Government of Albania, signed May 13, 1961;
- Republic of Croatia, under the Agreement between the Government of the Socialist Republic of Romania and the Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia of Collaboration in the Field of Medical assistance of the Insured, signed March 20, 1976;
- Republic of Moldova under the Additional Protocol of the Collaboration Agreement on Health and Medical Sciences between the Ministry of Health of Romania and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova signed on April 24, 1996;
- The Republic of Tunisia under the Agreement on Cooperation in Health and Medical Sciences between the Ministry of Health of Romania and the Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Tunisia, signed October 16, 1995.