Integrated System For Border Security (I.S.B.S.)
Located geographically on a relevant transport corridor to Europe, Romania has 2.050 kilometers of external border and 1.090 kilometers of internal border of the European Union.
The geographical diversity of our country borders (littoral, mountains, hills, plains, rivers, delta), which determines the presence of 1.085 kilometers of land border and 2.064 kilometers of water border, but also the emergence of cross-border risks foreseen as a result of the geo-strategic position of the country and the new quality of E.U. and N.A.T.O. Member State, imposed the necessity to create an Integrated System for Border Security, capable of ensuring a high level of surveillance and control of the borders, for the benefit of the society, of own citizens and of all the European citizens.
Setting up the Integrated System for Border Security is one of the objectives outlined by the Integrated Border Management Strategy, a document which foresees the establishment of the Romanian Inter-ministerial Group for Integrated State Border Management - consultative organism made up of:
the minister of justice,
the minister of foreign affairs,
the minister of national defence,
the minister of public finance,
the minister of health,
the minister of labour, social solidarity and family,
the minister of agriculture, forests and rural development,
the minister of transports, construction and tourism,
the director of the Foreign Intelligence Service,
the director of the Romanian Intelligence Service.
According to the law, the Romanian Inter-ministerial Group for Integrated State Border Management establishes the overview concept and ensures the unitary coordination of the actions and measures, by the Government, in order to secure the state border, carried out by the Ministry of Administration and Interior, the public administration authorities, by other public non-governmental institutions and organizations on issues in the field of human rights, centralizes and monitors the results of the cooperation between the competent authorities and the external partners with responsibilities in this field.
The Integrated System for Border Security is made up of four filters and nine support subsystems, as follows:
First Filter - Activities carried out in third countries, especially in the origin and transit countries
It represents the operations of preventing and combating the cross-border crimes carried out in other countries, through the internal affairs attaches, officers and through the collaboration with different international institutions.
Second Filter - International cooperation regarding the border
It includes the measures and actions carried out jointly with institutions with border competences from other states, including through contact points, centers and offices, set up for the purpose of enhancing the cooperation activities with the E.U. Member States and neighbouring countries.
Third Filter - Romanian state border control and surveillance
It represents the measures for adjusting the law according to the Community acquis, ensuring the infrastructure, adequate facilities for carrying out the control and surveillance at the border, as well as for implementing an adequate personnel policy for the aim of border control and surveillance.
Forth Filter - Activities carried out inside the national territory
It represents the measures carried out on the national territory in order to prevent and to combat illegal migration and cross-border crime (cooperation between regional agencies, cross-border police cooperation, control of the international traffic routes within the territory of the country, surveillance based on information etc.).
Support subsystems (of I.S.B.S.) are:
infrastructure subsystem - focuses on:
investing activities in the operative infrastructure, the premises of the Romanian Border Police structures, consisting in building new premises, as well as in renovating and / or extending the existent premises;
activities of constructing the communications infrastructure, such as: towers, masts and antennas;
voice-data communication subsystem - ensures the infrastructure necessary for the setting up the wide area network, WAN, and the local area networks, LAN and facilitates the voice and data traffic among the I.S.B.S. users;
fix communication subsystem - ensures the transport infrastructure of wide band necessary for the information exchange among fix locations;
digital mobile communication subsystem (in TETRA standard) - ensures the support for realizing the data exchange (voice and data) among the mobile operative elements, as well as among these and the command and control centers;
information subsystem (IT) - an on-line system available for all the institutions with duties in the border management field, based on the standards of the open systems, for realizing interconnections with the IT systems used by these institutions, as well as with the IT international systems, for example: VIS, SIS, EURODAC, Interpol, Europol, AFIS, the information system for passengers in the airports.
border control subsystem - ensures the border crossing control on persons and on their personal goods, as well as on the transportation means, including mobile control in the border crossing points in harbours, railways and in the competence area of the Romanian Border Police.
border surveillance control - ensures the observance and the specific border actions by applying certain technologies based on sensors, radars or a combination of these. The information received from the sensors is sent to the control centers, through the use of the communication subsystems and are processed by the IT subsystem.
Green border:
fix surveillance is mainly based on a set of equipments for day and night vision, including person detection radars;
mobile surveillance based on vehicles with integrated surveillance equipments;
Blue border:
for surveillance of the inland maritime waters, territorial sea, contiguous area and exclusive economic area of Romania an integrated system of surveillance and control of the ship traffic from the Black Sea, named SCOMAR, will be used;
mobility subsystem - describes the land-naval-air platform, which will be used for the border security system and includes all the transportation means destined to surveillance and intervention operations at the state border;
integrated logistic support subsystem (maintenance, training of human resources - specialists and users) - is made up of all the activities intended for system support during the entire period of its life cycle. It includes activities related to training, documentation, spare parts, maintenance, as well as a centralized support allowing I.S.B.S. operation around the clock.
The progresses achieved by the Romanian Border Police for realizing the borders security: 2007 | 2008.