Internal Collaboration

For an efficient combating of cross-border crime and an efficient and operative border control through the conclusion of internal cooperation documents and identification of new joint action forms and methods, Romanian Border Police, has aimed at the intensification of cooperation at national level with:

Internal Collaboration with the structures of the Ministry of Administration and Interior, through permanent cooperation, joint actions and exchange of information, based on the following collaboration documents:

  • 25.01.2000 - the Programme regarding the measures taken to enhance the joint actions of Romanian Border Police, Police, Gendarmerie, aiming to assure the public order, to prevent and neutralize the conflicts between various groups of persons;
  • 08.06.2000 - the Cooperation Plan between the General Inspectorate of Border Police and the General Inspectorate of Romanian Police, having the purpose to prevent and to fight against cross-bordering criminality in the European region - Dunarea de Jos;
  • 31.07.2000 - the common Order of the General Inspectorate of Border Police, General Inspectorate of Police and of the General Directorate for Information and Internal Protection regarding the fight against cross-bordering criminality. The aim of this order is border security through the permanent exchange of information in the field of organized crime specific for the cross-bordering criminality throughout the entire territory, the fight against cross-bordering criminality through joint actions, carried out permanently in the border area;
  • 10.07.2001 - Collaboration Protocol between the General Inspectorate of Border Police and the General Directorate for Fighting against Organized Crime and Anti-drug, having the aim to obtain data and information regarding the initiation, preparing and performing of some operation specific for organized crime and anti-drug.
  • 31.08.2001 - Cooperation Plan between the General Inspectorate of Border Police and the General Inspectorate of Romanian Police. Objective - cooperation in the field of prevention and fighting against vehicle thefts;
  • 02.10.2001 - Cooperation Protocol between the General Inspectorate of Border Police and the National Headquarters of Romanian Gendarmerie. Objective - to cooperate to obtain some data and information regarding the initiation, preparation and performing of some actions regarding the cross-bordering criminality;
  • 27.12.2001 - Cooperation Plan on the basis of the common order of the General Inspectorate of Border Police, the General Inspectorate of Police and of the General Directorate for Information and Internal Protection for fighting against cross-bordering criminality, between the General Inspectorate of Border Police and the County Inspectorate of Police Ilfov. The objective is to make effective the common measures of fighting against cross-bordering criminal phenomenon, according to the competencies of each institution.
  • 01.10.2002 - the Collaboration Protocol between the General Inspectorate of Border Police, General Inspectorate of Police, General Directorate for Information and Internal Protection and the General Directorate for Electronic Persons' Registration regarding the exchange of information and in the field of prevention and fight against forgery in identity documents and in the marital status documents.
  • As a consequence of the fact that the General Directorate for Electronic Persons' Registration was reorganized and 4 new structures were established (General Directorate for Passports, Directorate for Driving Licences Regime and Registration of Driving Licences, Directorate for Persons' Registration and the National Centre of Data regarding the Persons' Registration), the General Inspectorate of Border Police concluded cooperation plans with each of the new established structures. Through these plans, they cooperate in order to prevent and to fight against the criminality specific to the state border regime, passports, foreigners and people's registration.
  • 18.02.2004 - Cooperation Protocol between the General Inspectorate of Border Police and the National Anti-drug Agency. Objective - to fight against trafficking and illegal use of drugs and to reach the objective of the Anti-drug National Strategy;
  • 06.04.2004 - Collaboration Protocol concluded between the General Inspectorate of Border Police and the National Office of Commerce Registry. Objective - fighting against cross-bordering criminality;
  • 09.06.2004 - Cooperation Protocol between the General Inspectorate of Border Police and the National Office for Refugees;
  • 27.08.2004 - Cooperation Protocol between the General Inspectorate of Border Police and the Authority for Aliens. Objective - to fight against foreigners' illegal stay;
  • 31.08.2004 - Collaboration Protocol between the General Inspectorate of Border Police and the General Inspectorate of Police;
  • 26.02.2007 - Collaboration Protocol between the General Inspectorate of Border Police and the National Agency against Trafficking in Persons.

Internal Collaboration in the field of justice through reciprocal notification, collection and exchange of intelligence, based on the following cooperation documents:

  • 12.10.1999 - Cooperation plan between the Ministry of Administration and Interior and the Ministry of Justice, regarding the performing of an efficient exchange of information, the providing of an increased safety regime for the persons under arrest and detention and the common performing of some direct actions in the view of complying with the legal dispositions in the field;
  • 23.11.2003 - Cooperation Agreement between the Public Ministry, the General Inspectorate of Border Police and the General Inspectorate of Police. Objective - to apply the G.E.O. no 112 regarding the sanction of some deeds committed outside the national territory by the Romanian citizens or by some stateless persons residing in Romania;
  • 29.12.2003 - Common Order of the Ministry of Administration and Interior and the Prosecutor's Office within the High Court of Cassation and Justice, regarding the designation of criminal investigation bodies of the judiciary police (border police and police);
  • 29.01.2004 - Common Order of the Ministry of Administration and Interior and the Prosecutor's Office within the High Court of Cassation and Justice, regarding the registration and the circulation of the criminal files, as well as the unitary situation of the activity of criminal prosecution;
  • 08.09.2006 - Collaboration Protocol between the General Inspectorate of Border Police, the Prosecutor’ s Office within the High Court of Cassation and Justice and the Superior Council of Magistrature to make operational the data base regarding the problems in countering the trafficking in persons and the trafficking in migrants.

Internal Collaboration with National Control Authority through operational support, joint actions in the competence area, on the basis of the following cooperation documents:

  • 19.06.2001 - Cooperation Protocols between Ministry of Administration and Interior - General Inspectorate of Border Police and Financial Guard. Objective - to fight against fiscal fraud and smuggling;
  • 26.03.2003 - Protocol regarding the collaboration between the General Inspectorate of Border Police and the Customs General Directorate. Objective - mainly, to fight against cross-bordering criminality, to prevent of the entrance in the country, through fraudulent methods, of goods that prejudice the Romanian state;
  • In the year 2004, to this protocol, common orders regarding the application of the work methodology in specific situation and press releases were added;
  • 07.08.2003 - Protocol between the structures subordinated to the Ministry of Administration and Interior and the National Environment Guard - National Control Authority. Objective - to carry out joint missions and attributions under their responsibility.

Internal Collaboration with the Ministry of National Defence, Romanian Intelligence Service, Foreign Intelligence Service, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Protection and Guard Service, regarding the common support and the exchange of data and information, on the basis of the following collaboration documents:

  • 26.04.2000 - Cooperation Protocol between the General Inspectorate of Border Police and the General Directorate for Counter-espionage within the Foreign Intelligence Service, regarding the fulfilment of the tasks they have in the field of prevention and fighting against cross-bordering criminality;
  • Collaboration Plan between the General Inspectorate of Border Police and the General Inspectorate for Prevention and Fighting against Terrorism within the Romanian Intelligence Service in the field of terrorism;
  • 05.05.2000 - Protocol regarding the cooperation between the General Inspectorate of Border Police and the Romanian Intelligence Service. Objective - to know, to prevent and to counteract against the deeds in the field of cross-bordering criminality, that endanger the national and common law safety;
  • 15.07.2002 - Protocol between the Ministry of Administration and Interior and the Protection and Guard Service. Objective - the carry out joint missions under the responsibility of the Protection and Guard Service;
  • 14.08.2002 - Protocol between the Ministry of Administration and Interior and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Objective - the home affairs attaches should carry out activities within the diplomatic missions of Romania;
  • 11.11.2002 - Cooperation Protocol between the Directorate for Fighting against Cross-bordering Criminality within the General Inspectorate of Border Police and the Directorate for Military Protection and Safety within the General Directorate for Information of the Army within the Ministry of National Defence. Objective - to discover, to prevent and to counteract any action of breaking the legal settlements regarding the trafficking in goods, with special regime, and the international terrorism phenomena;
  • Cooperation Protocol between the Ministry of Administration and Interior and the Ministry of National Defence, the Romanian Intelligence Service, Foreign Intelligence Service, National Control Authority. Objective - to carry out joint missions according to their responsibility and of the subordinated structures in order to prevent and to fight against cross-bordering criminality.

Internal Collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forests, Waters and Environment in relation to the joint actions in the field of countering fish poaching, the reciprocal support and the exchange of information, on the basis of the following cooperation documents:

  • 23.11.2000 - Protocol regarding the collaboration between the Ministry of Administration and Interior and Ministry of Agriculture, Forests, Waters and Environment. Objective - to prevent and fight against the illegal fishing in the border waters, Danube interior waters, inshore sea waters, territorial sea, contiguous area and the economic exclusive area of Romania;
  • 02.10.2001 - Collaboration Protocol between the Ministry of Administration and Interior - General Inspectorate of Border Police and the General Association of Sportive Hunters and Fishermen in Romania. Objective - to settle the concrete way of collaboration in order to invite and to allow the foreign to enter with guns and ammunitions for hunting, in Romania;
  • Annual Cooperation Plan between the Ministry of Administration and Interior and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forests, Waters and Environment to monitor the fishing and aquaculture activities;
  • Common measure plan to prevent and to discover the crimes and other deeds that prejudice the fish fund, between the General Inspectorate of Border Police, Ministry of National Defence, Ministry of Agriculture, Forests, Waters and Environment and the National Control Authority.

Internal Collaboration with the Ministry of Transports, Constructions and Tourism through collaboration protocols and joint actions with the Romanian Road Authority, Romanian Vehicle Registry, Directorate for Authorization and Control in Tourism, National Association of the Transport Agencies of and the National Union of Transporters:

  • 04.04.2001 - Collaboration Protocol between the Ministry of Administration and Interior - General Inspectorate of Border Police and the Ministry of Transports, Constructions and Tourism - the General Directorate for Authorization and Control. Objective - the official interpretation of the norms of the GO no 24/ 1992, regarding the establishment of the consular services and of the taxes for performing this type of service, regarding the exemption from paying the visa tax for the organized tourism;
  • 23.04.2001 - Collaboration Protocol between the Ministry of Administration and Interior - General Inspectorate of Border Police and the Ministry of Transports, Construction and Tourism - TAROM S.A. Objective - to fight against illegal migration;
  • 02.07.2001 - Collaboration Plan of the Ministry of Administration and Interior - General Inspectorate of Border Police and the Ministry of Transports, Constructions and Tourism - Inspectorate of Civil Navigation. Objective - to strengthen the state border, to improve the surveillance and control of the border waters, interior Danube and the Sulina channel, outside the border area, inshore sea waters, the territorial sea, the contiguous area and the exclusive economic area of Romania;
  • 10.09.2001 - Collaboration Protocol between the Ministry of Administration and Interior and the Ministry of Transports, Construction and Tourism. Objective - the collaboration of the units of railway, naval, air and road transports within the Ministry of Transports, Constructions and Tourism, with the police, gendarmes, and border police units within the Ministry of Administration and Interior, in connection to some measures of prevention, fighting against illegal actions and maintaining the public order in the field of transports;
  • 11.01.2002 - Order no 29 for the establishment of mixed mobile teams for the road traffic control, made up of representatives of the control bodies belonging to the General Inspectorate of Border Police and to the General Inspectorate of Police together with the ones of the autonomous control associations - Roads National Administration, Romanian Vehicle Registry and the Romanian Road Authority;
  • 08.01.2003 - Protocol between the General Inspectorate of Border Police and the Romanian Road Authority, regarding the collaboration way in carrying out the specific control of the vehicles in the border crossing points and in the border area;
  • Common measures programme concluded between the Ministry of Administration and Interior and the Ministry of Transports, Constructions and Tourism. Objective - to prevent and to fight against the fraudulent travels and against other antisocial deeds committed in the trains, in the railway stations and switch yards;
    Collaboration Protocol between the Ministry of Administration and Interior - General Inspectorate of Border Police and the Ministry of Transports, Constructions and Tourism - the Romanian Road Authority;
  • 03.09.2003 - Common Order of the Ministry of Administration and Interior and the Ministry of Transports, Constructions and Tourism. Objective - the introduction of the internal border regime in the Romanian airports;
    General Inspectorate of Border Police initiated and carried out actions in collaboration with the Romanian Road Authority in order to check the "Green Card" - international car insurance for civil liability, as well as to prevent and fight against the illegal activities of practicing the masked tourism.
  • 04.11.2003 - Collaboration Protocol between the General Inspectorate of Border Police and the Ministry of Transports, Constructions and Tourism. Objective: to carry out joint actions.
  • 21.11.2006 - Collaboration Protocol between the General Inspectorate of Border Police and the Ministry of Transports, Constructions and Tourism. Objective: to collaborate in the carrying out of the specific control of the vehicles in the B.C.P.s and in the border area.

The cooperation between the Romanian Border Police and International Organization for Migration is materialized in:

the organization of seminars and work sessions where also other law enforcement agencies participate, especially on the issues of illegal migration and trafficking with human beings;
making and distributing in the border crossing points of 2 postcards, one for the information of traffic participants on the conditions of exit from the country and of entry in the Schengen area and one for the information of possible victims of trafficking with human beings on the risk they are subject to.

The cooperation between the Romanian Border Police and U.N.H.C.R. is materialized in:

  • the organization of seminars and work sessions where also other law enforcement agencies participate, especially on the issues of illegal migration;
  • mutual experience exchange regarding the legal regulations on asylum;
  • cooperation for solving the situation of the applicants for refugee status in Romania in the border crossing points.

The cooperation between the Romanian Border Police and Organization for Human Rights Defence is materialized in:

  • the organization of seminars and work sessions where also other law enforcement agencies participate, especially on the issues of human rights and illegal migration;
  • mutual experience exchange regarding the legal regulations on human rights;
  • inter-institutional cooperation protocol.

The Romanian Border Police s the specialized state institution which carries out the attributions appertaining to it and referring to the surveillance and control of the crossing of the state border ... read more