Starting with 15th of June 2020, at 00:00 o’clock, based on the Decision no. 29 of June 13th 2020 of the National Committee for Emergency Situations on proposing necessary relaxation measures in the current epidemiological context, citizens arriving from Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Croatia, Swiss Confederation, Germany, Greece, , Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Norway, Slovakia, Slovenia and Hungary are exempted from the isolation measure if they show no symptoms.
The list of the states for which the quarantine and isolation exception was introduced, regarding citizens coming to Romania, has been approved. We specify that citizens who come to our country from states that are not on that list, but that transit countries who are exempted, still have the obligation to isolate at home or quarantine (on request).
Exceptions are taken for the citizens who come from states which are not on the list approved by the National Committee for Emergency Situations and who spend in the countries included in the list a period of 14 days or more, before entering Romania, according to Article 1, point 2 of the Decision number 28 of the National Committee for Emergency Situations.
The list of states for which the elimination of quarantine / isolation measures is applied, is updated weekly by the National Institute of Public Health, every Monday until 16:00, in order to introduce new countries in the list.