Coast Guard
A: Constanta, 21 Zmeurei Avenue, postal code 900433, Constanta county
T: +40 241 641 188
F: +40 241 698 668
E: ijpf.constanta@mai.gov.ro
The Coast Guard is the regional structure, subordinated to the General Inspectorate of Border Police, with competence in the area of 30 km. from the Romanian state border to the interior within the radius of Constanta and Tulcea counties, at the Black Sea, and in the area of 10 km. on both sides of Danube bank within the radius of Ialomita and Tulcea counties, having to ensure;
- border surveillance and border crossing check at the border with the Republic of Ukraine within a length of 207.9 km.;
- border surveillance and border crossing check at the border with the Republic of Bulgaria within a length of 161.3 km.;
- surveillance of Inner Danube, Macin and Sulina channel open to international navigation within the competence area of Cernavoda, Isaccea, Tulcea, Pardina, Chilia and Sulina Border Police Sectors;
- border surveillance and check of crossing of the territorial sea, contiguous area and exclusive economic area at the Black Sea, within a length of 193.5 km.;
- observing the provisions of the treaties, agreements, conventions and border protocols concluded with the Republic of Ukraine and Bulgaria and the international agreements to which Romania is part of, regarding the state border.
The Coast Guard is organized at internal level, on units, offices and compartments specialized on activity domains, with the role of:
- coordination, control and responsibility for the entire activity of the subordinated structures on state border check and surveillance for the purpose of preventing and countering illegal migration, cross-border crimes and ensuring the observance of the state border juridical regime;
- unitary implementation of the Romanian Border Police Concept on the state border check and surveillance, of the Instructions of application of Regulation EC no. 562/2006 and other related national and European legal acts;
- efficient deployment of forces, equipments and mobility means, depending on the existent operational situation at the level of a certain border and on the risk analysis;
- efficient cooperation with the similar institutions of the neighbouring state, based on bilateral cooperation documents;
- human resources, financial and logistics management at the level of the structure.
Within the Coast Guard, 2 Territorial Services, 2 Groups Ships and 9 Border Police Sectors with 10 Border Police Points function as execution structures. The Border Police Territorial Services have the following duties:
- organization and performance of actions - independently or together with the cooperation bodies within county radius - aiming to prevent and counter illegal migration and cross-border crimes (implementation of the 4th tier of the Integrated Border Security System);
- carrying out informative-operational activities, activities of investigation of serious crimes related to illegal migration and organized cross-border crime;
- upon requests of the sectors within the radius of county, carrying out support actions of border crossing check and surveillance, in order to prevent the infringement of the specific legislation.
The Groups Ships and the Border Police Sectors are execution structures within the Coast Guard, with limited competence and organized on compartments, shifts and crews, according to the specific of the activities, having as main duties the surveillance and control of the Romanian state border crossing, prevention and countering illegal migration and cross-border crime within the competence area, as well as any other infringement of the state border juridical regime. The Border Police Points, subordinated to the Groups Ships and Border Police Sectors function based on the bilateral agreements between Romania and the neighbouring state and on the national legislation in force, respectively, and they have as main duties the check of border crossing documents, ensurance of the smooth and correct flow of passengers and cargo traffic through the border crossing points, together with other authorities with control competences related to the state border crossing.